To keep your brakes functioning properly, follow these tips:
At Allstar Muffler & Brake, we’re dedicated to ensuring your vehicle’s brakes are safe and reliable. From using high-quality parts to providing transparent inspections, we prioritize your safety and satisfaction. Conveniently located in Cleveland Heights, we proudly serve our neighbors in Beachwood, Shaker Heights, Maple Heights, and Warrensville Heights, OH. Don’t put off your Brake Repair needs. Call (216) 991-1125 today to schedule your service and drive with peace of mind.
Allstar Muffler & Brake
3596 Lee Rd. Shaker Heights, OH 44120
Auto Service, Brake Repair & Muffler Repair in
Beachwood, OH;
Shaker Heights, OH;
Cleveland Heights, OH;
Maple Heights, OH &
Warrensville Heights, OH